Insanity and Creativity

I recently saw a question that asked “Where is the line between insanity and creativity?” After seeing this I decided to look up what both of those even truly meant- by dictionary anyway.

Insanity: The state of being seriously mentally ill; madness

Creativity: The use of the imagination or original ideas

When seeing these two definitions I realized how vague and unclear they were. Also how untrue they seemed to be to me.

Creativity is more than original ideas. Sure, the original ideas do come from creativity, but that’s only a result of how powerful creativity is. Creativity is thinking outside of the box. It’s the creation of crafts, the thinking outside the box, the analyzing of results that put two and two together. Creativity is putting puzzle pieces together to form a vivid, beautiful visual of what could and can be. Creativity- no matter how cheesy it might sound- has the power to change the world like so many times before. It is the taking of previous knowledge and using that along with ideas to create something that could actually change the world..

Insanity on the other hand doesn’t necessarily have to do with being “seriously mentally ill”, but instead someone who has the “strangest” ideas that might work. Insanity is taking the most ridiculous and dangerous risks that could come with losing a life. It comes with the heart-stopping moments that leave people breathing heavy or gasping for air.

Insanity and Creativity both cannot be contained within a box simply for the reason that it’s impossible. The reason we are were we are today is because so many people before us have had so many creative ideas that have occurred due to pure, intangible insanity. My goal in this world is to strive every single day to be just as insane and creative as the people before me so I can make a difference in the world. And if it comes to the point where I am unable to make that difference in the word I’ll at least have been able to make a difference for my self.

“A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free.”

-Nikos Kazantzakis

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